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Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO).

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Conversion Rate Optimisation Services

Search engine optimisation aims to put your site and your message right in front of the eyes that matter. CRO aims to make it feel easy, worthwhile and enjoyable for the people in that traffic to take the next step, whatever you need that step to be...

It might be simply clicking another link to continue their journey into your site; it might be signing up for your newsletter, browsing new or discounted products or making that important first contact. CRO & SEO are complementary; they work perfectly in tandem; however there is always a risk of getting lost in the data. Reams of benchmarks, conversion percentages and actions make it very easy to forget about the individuals who are making them. That is where Search Flare comes in...

Combining Holistics and Data

Any old SEO Marketing agency might be able to fire data your way, but what use is that really without an understanding of the things that bring people to your site. What motivates them, what stops them in their tracks and what persuades them in ways nothing else can? Those are the things our CRO services offer as standard and if you think we sound proud of it, you’d be absolutely right!

Driving Online Sales

Good CRO should achieve this for sites focusing on ecommerce, so if you are wondering if CRO pays for itself... It certainly can!

We look to achieve this, by testing the user experience to maximise purchases, by placing a focus on the products with the best ROI and working closely with you to build the CRO strategy that is yours and yours alone.

Heat Mapping

This practice gives us and you a clear indication of your current site design and how it might impact conversion rates. We roll them out extensively to make the best pages even better and bring the poorer ones right up to standard.

The Path to Conversion

Everyone has a path to conversion; our skill is in mapping it to pinpoint the pages that make conversion happen as well as the pages viewed before hand.This is a big deal, if a path has too many steps then conversion rates can plummet, we work with you to streamline that and enjoy the results.

In-Depth Competitor Analysis

Forget about copying; let’s learn what works for competitors in your industry so we can take steps to make your CRO even more effective.Quick wins are not unusual at this stage and understanding strengths and weaknesses of others in your industry is a vital step to make worthwhile gains of your own.

The Search Flare CRO Process


Is the logical starting point, both data-driven and holistically to form a foundation for effective webpage testing.
Doing the following allows us to suggest more informed options for you:
· Existing documentation analyses
· Competitor analysis
· User Testing
· Looking at customer feedback


Is the next step, fully researched and using all the industry leading tools and experience at our disposal. We test obsessively then we test more to establish the recommendations and implementations that will lead to success.We’ll always work closely with you too, in ways that are transparent, jargon-free and easy to understand.

User Experience

Design comes next, handled by our skilled front-end web designers. These designs will be informed by the previous steps. If you want something simplified, we can do that, if you’d like a range of options to boost your CRO, we’ve got that covered too.

Testing, testing

Is the thread that runs through every stage of these processes. We conduct A/B testing compulsively throughout every campaign we work on with variations in design and layouts aimed at boosting CRO.
You need a friction-free experience for your users to enable the human beings that make your traffic, convert as easily as they can.

Tailor-made outreach

For your business doesn’t stop when the first results are generated. That’s simply when we get to work honing, improving and driving CRO to even greater levels. We feel there are always small gains to be made in an industry where the goalposts never remain in one place for long.
We advise regular reviews of even the best CRO strategy and we are always here to help make the best even better.